Service Is Everyone’s Business
DURATION: 90 MINUTE LLl workshop
Successful organisations are evidence that service really does matter.
Service expectations are continually changing and the more educated customers become, the more demands are placed on individuals working in service roles.
Anyone in front-line service delivery roles, within call centres, operational areas, or face-to-face service situations needs to have a customer-centred attitude and the skills essential to great service delivery.
But what about those who are not at the front line? Is exceptional service provision equally important for them?
This workshop offers participants an opportunity to explore and develop the necessary skills, attitude and behaviours to take their service levels beyond the bare minimum.
It’s about building a personal service philosophy and a belief that service really matters.
By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:
recall the difference between good and ‘wow’ service;
discuss what it means to be service oriented;
share the impact of a customer’s ‘moments of truth’;
recognise the importance of complaints management at a personal level;
identify different customer types; and
discuss how to best deal with difficult customer behaviours.
What customers want.
The difference between good service and ‘wow’ service.
Building a service mindset.
Customer perception points.
Complaints are an opportunity to improve.
Communicating with different customer types.
Handling difficult customers.
Building trust and confidence in relationships
Building client/stakeholder satisfaction and loyalty
CUSTOMISable LEARNING delivery options
who sHOULD participate?
Supervisors, Managers and Leaders wanting to foster a ‘service really matters’ culture, within their organisation.
Anyone wanting to understand the key to a successful service mindset.
Those seeking to develop a practical toolkit of exceptional customer service.
To differentiate between good and, ‘wow’ service.
To develop a workplace culture of service excellence at all levels.
To build confidence in handling customers.
To create a toolkit of exceptional customer service.
To learn techniques for building, maintaining and growing customer service loyalty.